100 days of Mograph - spring roundup
100 days of Mograph, follow up
Here is quick roundup of the latest shots I posted on Dribbble, after the anoucement of my 100 day of mograph post.
At this time, I posted a dozen of shots:
Municipal waste evolution
A bin is entirely swallowed by a trash truck. I relied on the constraint tag and some of C4D Xpresso configuration to link those 2 elements.
Transport modes stats for short distances
This is my first comeback to character animation. I always found rigging annoying and time-consuming. So I relied on Mixamo pre-built animations to bypass this step. The process is pretty effective.
I have to say I didn't model the char, but tweaked an existing one, considering advanced modeling is not my thing.
Remote work evolution
I pushed Mixamo a bit further this time with 2 characters in combination with circular maskings.
Dark mode journey
I experimented an outlined-only style, still using Mixamo. I found this visual approach pretty interesting.
Reduce motion journey
I took the girl back from the previous shot and experimented mixing 2 Mixamo's animation. This illustrates a current web accessibility concern.
Dark mode city light switcher
Too much refactoring time invested on this scene regarding a disappointing result. I like the backdrop but missed the animation part.
Recycling game
I decided to keep the outline style but kept attention to rendering clean lines. This time using web UI supports trash bins elements. I like the animation but missed the UI design this time 🙁.
What's next?
I plan to keep improving on this low poly outlined style, mixing colors and darkmode, sometimes bringing characters.
Each loop takes me a couple of working days. It's the perfect opportunity to sharpen a very specific skill combination while developing a personal style.
I'm still very far to reach 100 shots, but as one say, it's a journey, not a destination 🤗.