Animated movie WIP#5 (editing and final release)
This post is a complete part of a complete walkthrough on building a 4mn animated 3D film with cinema 4D.
The last shot has finally been finished 2 weeks ago, so we're about to release the movie a bit sooner than expected. This post will be the final report before the official release (see previous reports : wip#1, wip#2, wip#3, wip#4).
- I mostly worked on an alien planet environment, took the inspiration pretty much everywhere, a lot of inspiring stuffs on artstation
- I got hands on the hair module for the first time as I needed those for an alien entity designed by my team mate. This is easier to setup than expected, however, very ressource-heavy for all render calculations. Moving in the viewport becomes a nightmare
- Regarding this last one, I had to deal with one of the most pain in the ass thing in Cinema 4D : combining walking cycle with pose-morph tag expressions. These Cinema 4D systems give no room for error. So I ended up quite a few times with completely destroyed moving character because I forgot to register a key or switching in animated mode
- The sound-design part goes pretty well. Same goes for the editing phase : just a bunch of filters to setup on After Effects, taking advantage of Looks and Damage, two amazing plugins.
The film is 4mn length. So we plan the release for the end of October.
Edit : and here is the link to watch the film