2022 - A year in review
This post is a round up of what I experimented this year at work.
- The beginning of the year started with a lot of Framer-Motion digging with this small drag-and-drop game we published
- I contribued on a open souce project for the first time (and also the last time this year) on api.gouv.fr
- I built a graphic designer portfolio for a friend using Next.js + Strapi, but the project has never been launched publicly...
- Play with Zapier automation with Google Spread sheet for a banking survey, one again, project never launched
- I realized a small motion using morphing shapes for Colibri, an internal banking project
- I also was asking for animated UI prototypes and played a lot with Framer (not Framer Motion), but never use it at the end 🫤
- Another motion realized, and I leveraged my skill when I discovered After Effect essential Graphics, a way to "componentize" compositions
- I dove once again in Maizzle, the Tailwind Css email framework, to implement banking email designs for Credit Agricole
- I Studied Storybook a couple of days, for an upcoming design system project, that I finally never had to deal with
- Inspired by Josh Comeau, I forked and published my first npm package
- Made a lot of UX/UI layouts for Comiteo an internal back office tool, using Sketch, work has never been published
- I was forced to produce a huge specifications document using a summary and styled section, first serious office software skill improvment with Pages
- Finally a real business opportunity to lean Figma, producing a complete design system for Bimpli (B2B banking). It has now become my design tool of choice taking over Sketch
- Took part in designing an internal webapp for "l'Étoile". I was in charge of handing off the assets to Angular developers. I also realized a small motion
- I learned and immediatly used Sveltekit to develop a small game (release plan for early 2023) and of course a whole dedicated post. Some caveats but mostly fell in love with this one, though, I still like Next.js
- Designed and developed a marketing package (motion + landing) for Halloween 2022
- I had to update a legacy Nuxt project I built 2 years ago for a banking card simulator. Nuxt has caveats but working with it once again was better that I expected
- I worked on a lot of motion and emails design but nothing really new
- I'm finalizing the Svelte game, and I struggle with the reactive props and some bugs, some mechanism I have to understand deeper
- I started to play with Next.js v13 and for another landing page. @next/font and quicker runtime 🚀
- Probably more Svelte.js + Next projects
- Probably more motion designs