Building a food simulation game with Next.js and AI
The end of 2024 is almost there, and I have been asked by Banque Populaire Rives de Paris to build a casual game for Christmas, as I have now done several in the past.
After we put ideas on the table, the one selected was a mini food simulation that fitted the most with the "charity" theme our client wanted to exploit.
I benchmarked a bit and kept some gameboard designs as a starting to point to build a game scene showing a kitchen workshop with a specific illustration style (some outlined adorable characters and assets nested within an heart-warming environment).
The game encourages the player to complete as many orders as possible within a given time. He will have to compose the proper food tray by picking up the right assets.
Generative design
There was a problem: as being both in charge of the graphic design and the development, the chosen style was not in my skillset. The one I master is a low poly 3D isometric.
It has been the opportunity to test a new creative workflow using AI tools to generate the needed environments in the specific style.
I tried some Stable Diffusion based tools, and the one I retained was An intuitive interface with predefined models and tools allowing a precise control over image content.
Sketch to image
The most efficient starting point was to compose the game background on an existing image. Providing even an ugly sketch produce stunning results if accompagnied with a precise prompt.
The initial concept was a gift workshop, and here was the result I got providing the following sketch and prompt:

The scene is a 2D flat, viewed from a frontal camera at eye level. It is a gift-making workshop in a cozy house. On the upper part of the image: the wall, with a cozy brick, a window with curtains and snowy outside. On the right part of the wall: a shelf with christmas decorations. On the lower part of the image: it's a workbench. There is a two-level workbench. On the higher level (a wooden table): some empty wooden boxes. On the lower level, beneath the table: On its right side: three rolls of gift wrap in different colors. On its left side: three rolls of thin ribbons in different colors. The overall ambiance is blue.
Image to image
When it was decided to go with a food simulation, I used a screenshot of Lili's Cafe, an existing mobile game I took as a model. Here are the result with a little refining through prompt:

Scene cleanup
The next step was to get a clean separated background, so that I can manage assets apart. For this, I used both the Dzine "erase" tool, and the Photoshop "content aware fill" tool. Here is the evolution:

At the beginning, I tried to populate the scene with assets using the "image-to-image" tool but the results were too weird.
So I decided to use the text-to-image on a blank canvas for every single assets, but using a proper trained model (based on some uploaded Lili's Cafe images).
I had to trigger a lot of generations for some, because it didn't match the result or angle I wanted.
The final action were background removals and generations flaws fixs.
Here are some examples:

Final gameboard
I composed the final scene on Photoshop, importing and refining assets after assets. Finally, I set the game user interface with Figma. Here are the scene without and with assets:

Not that much to say, because I utilized my well-established following technology stack:
- Frontend: Next.js (v.15)
- Backend: Firestore (Firebase) as users database
- UI: Tailwind.css + ShadCn + Framer Motion
The project is strongly based on our previous game releases (Blackout, Fin de Chantier, Vendanges Master.
Therefore, I re-used the same architecture and patterns I had built for these past ones.
I took advantage of the newly released "Copilot edits" feature that can simultaneously modify a set of files for us, based on a prompt. We just have to accept or discard the proposed solution.
This has been helpful as we often have to change multiples files to implement a feature.
The project has to be deployed on an Apache server, so bye-bye "on-the-edge" Next.js toolings, such as Server Actions, or any Node-based features. It's all client-side static export.
Wrapping up
It would have been an usual work if I didn't experiment the generative image workflow.
My opinion on this is still reserved:
- on the one hand, these tools give us the ability to produce a large variety of design without being an expert.
- On the other hand, editing generation is truly a pain in the a**.
We are in the early stages of this technology and struggling with it is part of the game.
But when I see how fast things are evolving, I think we can be confident that those struggles will tend to minimize as time goes by...
Here is the playable game.